

Be part of our inclusive CrossFit community

I'm intimidated.
  • Our workouts are scalable to any fitness level.
  • The only CROSSFIT gym on Long Island who has multiple “levels” of workouts to cater to your individual goals/ needs.
  • We have the young 13 and the old 70+ and everyone in between!
  • We are a family! You will not find a more positive or supportive environment to thrive and express your fitness and health.
  • We are everyday people like yourself who started exactly where you are now!
  • We put you through our ELEMENTS or beginner program to ensure you are ready to attend regular group classes.
I'm out of shape.
  • No better way to get healthy and fit than our program!
  • Every workout is designed for any ability or fitness level!
Why is it more costly than a regular gym?
  • How much are you willing to invest in your health and well being? It’s way more expensive paying for hospital bills/ medications later in life!
  • Our results do the talking. We’ve had multiple people get off medications and lose 100’s of pounds, completely transforming their lives.
  • We are not just delivering a fitness program. Each class is led by a professional coach to ensure safety and proper technique is maintained at all times. Consider this semi personal training which makes it extremely inexpensive!
I'm too old/ young.
  • Talk to one of our senior athletes and ask them if they are too old!
  • We have multiple members who are well into their 60’s/ 70’s!
  • Our workouts are scalable to any age/ fitness level.
  • IF you are younger than 15 then be on the lookout for our 6-8 week CF kids sessions. (email for more details)
Why are people in CrossFit scary?
  • Come down to meet us for yourself! Or better yet try us for one week for free!
  • We are passionate about fitness and like to express it in lots of ways!

Members are Saying

CrossFit Undivided has changed my life in so many ways that I could have never imagined. I am so grateful for all of the people CFU has brought into my life and for the fun and welcoming environment that the coaches and members have collectively created. I truly feel like this box is my second home and I look forward to working out every single day (which never happened when I went to a regular gym). I thank all of the coaches for the passion they have for the sport and for the continuous support they have always provided me. I couldn’t have embarked on this journey without Joe Joe and Mike! They are wonderful people and are the glue that holds our CFU family together.

I am so proud of the progress I have made physically, but I never expected for Crossfit to strengthen my mental toughness. CrossFit has taught me patience and has also taught me that I am stronger both mentally and physically than I give myself credit for. I now approach challenges both inside and outside of the gym with more confidence in myself, thanks to CFU.


Before joining CFU, I used to go to the gym and do random exercises to target the parts of my body I didn’t like. In addition to going to the gym, I would run for hours at a steady pace. I wasn’t losing weight, I wasn’t gaining muscle, and to make matters worse, I was getting injured from the constant pounding on my joints. I knew I had to find another way to reach my goals which, seemed to get further away with every mile I ran and every hour I spent in the gym.

When I first met Mike and JoJo, I knew they would be the perfect coaches to help me overcome these obstacles. I quickly began to progress in the gym as my strength increased and my body fat decreased. I began to reach goals that I had been trying to reach for years with the guidance of Mike and JoJo. The coaches spent hours of their time advising me on my nutrition, CrossFit movements, and quite honestly my life.

The physical accomplishments I have made are not the only aspects of my life that CFU has improved. The community has become my family and everyday I look forward to seeing them during my training sessions. We laugh together, cry together, and support each other every day at CFU. Mike and JoJo make CFU a place where every person of every ability can feel that they are important and, can accomplish any goal they set. I am so proud to say that I have been a part of this community for five years, the people at this gym and CrossFit in general, have brought fulfillment and meaning to my life.

Maggie M.

I was once a fit college athlete, confident, secure, and unstoppable. I am now forty years old and when I joined CFU in December of 2015 I was possibly in the worst shape of my entire life. I couldn’t run 100m without thinking I would die much less do a pull up, a 300 pound deadlift, or have my toes touch the bar above my head! I had realized all those things I once was I lost. I have lost approximately twenty pounds and feel better today than I have in a long time but that’s not what keeps me coming back every day and such a small part of what CFU has done for me. I am far from being the best or even really good in any class on any given day but never feel less than the best athlete there. When I am the last person to finish a workout the others who finished before me are supporting me and pushing me forward. I have embraced a strength I never realized I had in the face of discomfort and sometimes embarrassment. This is because the coaches at CFU and the members have never judged me, never made me feel inferior, or second-rate. I am treated as an equal to all and driven to do the best I can. CFU has given me the strength I once felt, the confidence to stand taller, and know I can do anything if I want to. This has had a direct impact on all facets of my life and I’m proud to be a part of this ever-growing family. This “family” has fundamentally changed me to my core.

Liz M.

Joining CrossFit Undivided was the best decision I could have made. I have never been athletic my entire life. When I first joined CFU, I never would have imagined I would be doing half of the lifts or skills that I can do today. I am so grateful to Coach Mike and Jojo. They have taught me so much and have been very patient. They have helped me realize that I can accomplish more than what I initially think I can. My strength and mobility have improved the most in two years than it has in the past 25 years of my life. I have always struggled with my weight. While I lost much of my weight prior to joining CFU, crossfit has helped me tone, build muscle and prevent the weight gain. Mike and Jojo have also helped establish a friendly and supportive environment. There have been many close friendships formed and a connection among all of us that is unheard of at most gyms. I am not only pushed by the coaches but the other members that I now call my friends. It is great seeing how we have all improved so much in the time we have been here due to the excellent coaching CFU provides. I will always be thankful to the community that Jojo and Mike have created in CFU. I can’t imagine going anywhere else. Everyday is a new challenge that I look forward to (unless it’s running ?). Thank you Mike and Jojo for all that you guys have done for all of us.


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